Saturday, June 28, 2008

Fried Salted Fish

This is just a free advertisement hehehehe. I don't really have to give you the recipe for this dish, because I am sure everybody know how to prepare it... I just want to make you drooling while looking at the picture. Go to the market now, buy some salted fish and cook some for yourself hahahahaha


  1. No recipe??? Oh..come on, you must be kidding me...hahahahaha

  2. ikan masin!! ayayayyayaa!! sedap tu!! drooling already me over here..
    Nda sama recipe kita nie ah..

  3. kadusmama: inda samakah.. ehm.. I thought klu fried salted fish ni sama ja semua.. just fry the salted fish hehehehe.. cuma me add a few steps.. after frying the salted fish, I take out the fish, remove the oil, leave small amount of oil and then fry some sliced shallots and chillies. After that squeeze some lime juice on oil,shallot and chillies. Then pour onto the fried salted fish.. very-very nice when you eat with warm steamed rice hehehehe

  4. datang tengah malam mau p membalas post nie..haha! kami punya style masak nda sama pulak oh..aiseh..nda pa bisuk sia masak nanti sia kasi post di blog sia.. :)

  5. bah.. jgn ko inda masak... byk sudah janji manis ko mo masak (mcm tu banana cake.. ada kena try sudah kah tu hehehe..).. janji tarang bulan betul ko ni..hahahaha

  6. ikan masin ka tu?
    bukan 'kokoiton' kah?

  7. scias: dia laitu... tapi general name dia ikan masin kan... sebab tu ikan sudah kena kasi masin hehehehe
