Thursday, July 10, 2008

Selingan - Dumplings Anyone?

I haven't got time to update any recipe yet.. so in the meantime... enjoy my fake dumplings hehehehe....

Nope.. not real dumplings.. they are just a handicraft that I sew for my daughter. I got the materials and measurements from a DIY kit. All I did were measured them, cut them, and sew them.

See.. I told you, I can do handicraft or make gifts hehehehehe... but these cannot be eaten ok. :)


  1. aaaa.. nda bulih makan pula ni poppet... why?why?why?.... macam real sampai sia tertipu... tipah tertipu lah pulak... aaaaa

  2. Poppet u penuh dengan kejutan. Wow!!!

  3. Hombidai: alala.. sia ingat ko tau tipah... cian sitipah :)

    Janet: eh ko tia tau meh I can do handicraft wakakakaka... actually this one easy one bah ni.., just measure, cut, sew.

  4. akaka..sia pun kesiokkan sudah ada resipi baru tadi, sekalinya..fake pulak...akakak!! next time taruh yang betul punya ah poppet

  5. Kadusmama: tipah tertipu juga kah? hahahaha

  6. creative nya!
    DIY kit? di mana ko beli?

  7. Chegu: inda juga la creative rasanya.. sia ikut ja dalam DIY kit tu. Kit tu sia beli ada one of the shops di 1Borneo tu.. tia ingat pula apa nama kedai tu.

  8. huhuhu...nampaknya si poppet suka butul sama 1 borneo ah...huhuhu

  9. pukitai u poppet!!!!!!hahahahahahahhahahahahaha mcm sedap btl o!!!!hahahahahha

  10. jgnlah marah whimsi... meh pi Foo Phing makan dumplings hehehehe

  11. lab papa: best juga tu 1Borneo tu.. nantilah ko cuti ko pi lawat..
