Monday, July 21, 2008

Moist Choc Cake

Hi all...

Have not been able to update my blog... I have not tried any new recipe either. First, my streamyx went A.W.O.L. then during weekend, my computer decided that it needed re-installing of the operating system.. :).

I baked Moist Chocholate Cake ( recipe posted previously) and used different icing to cover. The amount of chocolate rice was not enough.. well.. my helper (DD) ate more of it than the amount sprinkled on the cake hehehehehe. Did the icing and choc rice at night.. so I just did it in a rush... my dear helper refused to go to sleep without finishing the icing..hahahaha. It is very easy.... for even for an amatuer baker like me :).
Try it during weekends probably for tea time treat :).

The Chocolate Icing Recipe


50g butter, softened
1 cup icing sugar, sieved
2 tbsp cocoa powder
2 tbsp boiling water

1. Cream both butter and icing sugar until creamy and smooth
2. Add cocoa powder and boiling water, beat again until smooth and creamy.


  1. uuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yummy yummy poppet, another whimsical fav!!!!!

  2. whimsi.. best oo u kan... many favourites food kan.

  3. Wowwwww!!!! Looks very moist! Bah next time jangan malu2 bagi a small piece lah bah...just guna our pony express delivery boy!

  4. hahahaha... ada nama sudah delivery boy kita ka Janet..

  5. macam sa tau jak sepa tu delivery boy huhuhuhuhu

  6. lab papa... dia laitu hahahaha

  7. Lu jangan main2! My delivery boy imported from the USA ok! But not very efficient, selalu lupa benda he's supposed to deliver!!!

  8. kak jan (apa mcm ini panggilan ada kelas oh),

    Kadang2 ada rindu juga sama tu delivery boy hehehe, buring sini zipun only hahaha

  9. hahahahah lab papa, menangis lah si janet u panggil dia kak jan! hahahahahah. poppet mana lagi resepi baru atau jahitan baru?

  10. Oh...sia ndak menangis...ketawa terbahak-bahak adalah!! Ahahahaa!!! Nanti I kirim the delivery boy pi sana Zipun. But u mesti sedia banyak tapau itu Zapanese food cos anak dia ketagih itu miso sup dan lain2 lagi makanan zipun yg sia terpaksa belajar masak!

  11. funny la kamurang ni... but i like the "Kak jan" one, now i call janet kak jan already...
    eerr... lab papa.. if you must call whimsi ..kak whimsi juga aaa


  12. lab papa san... bagila resipi zipun sama tu kak jan... sure yg ketagih tu jnf tu kan... tu delivery boy skrg ketagih pudding si peah... everyday must eat one...everyday we hear him puji hahaha

  13. Ohhh!!! Itu pula yg menyebabkan kawan kita makin gemuk boroi skarang ah!! Mati2 he say my cooking fattening!! Padahal i reduce ALL fat and sugars. Makan puding tiap2 hari pulak! Peh!!!

  14. ooo no! sia kasi pecah rahsia kah ni hahahahaha.. si kawan tu pernah beli beberapa puding, ckp mo bawa balik rumah, tinguk2 dia lupa dia bilang, so dia simpan in the fridge, tell me to go and eat if want.... but bila I tanya balik, abis da dia makan hahahaha.

  15. hahahaha, sampai ke sini suda serita hahahaha, menarik!

  16. hahahaha.. dari cake pigi delivery boy pigi..pecah rahsia hehehehe
